Welcome to Wetherby Town Council

2023/24 Accounts

This financial year ran from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024.

The Town Council's accounts are made up of several documents, starting with the budget which was approved in January 2023. The approved budget can be viewed here.
As there was a significant increase in the precept (the council's income which is collected through council tax) the council produced an information document explaining this change: 
The council finished the year approximately £71,294 under-budget with detailed reasons for this given in the financial statements document below. 

The council has now prepared and approved its accounts for the 2023/24 period. They can be viewed in the Council's 2024 Annual Report & Financial Statements Document.

This document also include the annual report to account for the share of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) receipts paid by Leeds City Council relating to developments in Wetherby and shows the funds which were received, held and spent during the 2023/24 year. 

The council routinely approves all payments at each monthly meeting. The list of payments made each month (including those over £500) is recorded as an appendix to the minutes of that meeting and can be viewed on the Council Agendas and Minutes page of this site. 

Further detail on any aspect of the accounts can be obtained by contacting the Clerk who is also the Council's Responsible Financial Officer. A formal opportunity is given as part of the audit process, as detailed in this notice. 

The Town Council undergoes three stages of audit. 
The first is carried out throughout the year as part of the Council's day-to-day checks, controls and processes. These are detailed in this 'Audit Plan and Internal Controls' document which was approved at the 2023 Annual Town Council meeting. 

The second is an independent check of the financial transactions relating to the 2023/24 financial year, as well as an audit of the Council's governance and practices. The Town Council appointed Rachel Pearson of Account-Ant as the Council's Internal Auditor for the 2023/24 period - the second of a three year contract.
Her final report at the end of the financial year can be viewed here. 

Finally, all Local Councils are required to complete and submit an 'AGAR' (Annual Governance and Accountability Return). This is then audited by a firm of accountants appointed by a sector-led body; the Smaller Authorities' Audit Appointments Ltd. This is in the process of being audited, with the current version displayed here.