Welcome to Wetherby Town Council

Council Meetings

Meetings of  the full Wetherby Town Council are held on the second Tuesday of each month, in Wetherby Town Hall, Market Place, Wetherby, LS22 6NE. Meetings usually start at 7pm with a 15 minute public question and comment session. Please see the meeting protocols page for more information.

The agenda, and supporting documents, for Full Council meetings are published on this website at least three clear days in advance. Agendas are also placed on display on the noticeboards in the Garden of Rest and Town Hall foyer, on the Council's Facebook page and can be sent to anyone on request. Please contact us to be added to the mailing list. 

Minutes of meetings are published within one month. 

Click here to view the agendas, minutes & documents for Full Council meetings.

Annual Town Meeting

The Annual Parish or Town Meeting is not a council meeting. It is a meeting of the town electors which takes place between 1 March and 1 June, usually in May, and is chaired by the Mayor.  The meeting offers an opportunity for electors to come together, find out what's been happening during the past year and ask questions of your elected representatives. The Council's annual report is presented at this meeting, but can also be viewed in our Annual Reports section. 

Wetherby Town Council welcomes and encourages members of the public to attend this meeting.

Click here to view the agendas, minutes & documents for Annual Town Meetings. 



The Town Council has delegated a number of its functions to committees to assist with the workload of running the Council. The way in which Wetherby Town Council has agreed to delegate certain functions to committees and officers is set out in this Scheme of Delegation

The agendas, and supporting documents, for Committee meetings are published on this website at least three clear days in advance of the meeting. Agendas are also placed on display on the noticeboards in the Garden of Rest and Town Hall foyer. Committee meetings are usually held in Wetherby Town Hall, Market Place, Wetherby, LS22 6NE, but you should check each agenda to be sure of the arrangements for a particular meeting. Minutes are also published within a month of committee meetings. 

Click here to view the agendas, minutes & documents for committee meetings.

Appeals Committee

The purpose of this Committee is to hear and determine appeals on grievance and disciplinary matters and report thereon to the Full Council.

You can view the terms of reference for this committee here. 

Budget & Governance Committee

The aim of this Committee is to manage the internal audit of the Council’s financial and procedural issues.

You can view the terms of reference for this committee here. 

CIL Committee

The purpose of this Committee is to develop and make recommendations to the Full Council on strategies for the use of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds available to Wetherby Town Council.

You can view the terms of reference for this committee here. 

Co-option Advisory Committee

The purpose of this Committee is to consider any applications received to fill a casual vacancy and make recommendations thereon to the Full Council. 

You can view the terms of reference for this committee here. 

Finance & General Purposes Committee

The aim of this Committee is to consider and determine items of business as directed by the Full Council, urgent items of business which cannot be deferred until the next ordinary Full Council meeting and complaints received in accordance with the Council’s Complaints Procedure.

You can view the terms of reference for this committee here. 

Markets Committee

The purpose of this Committee is to consider any matters concerning the strategic operation of the weekly Thursday market and Saturday antiques fair and the running, under licence, of the monthly Farmers’ Market.

You can view the terms of reference for this committee here.

Paths Partnership

The aim of the Paths Partnership is to effectively monitor and work to enhance the Public Rights of Way (PROW) in and around Wetherby.

You can view the terms of reference for this committee here. 

Planning Committee

The Planning Committee considers consultations on applications and agrees responses to be submitted to the planning authority (Leeds City Council). The committee meets every 3 weeks, usually at 4pm on a Monday afternoon.

You can view the terms of reference for this committee here. 

Property Committee

The Property Committee is responsible for the maintenance of all the greenspace and recreational areas managed by the Town Council and the cemetery on Hallfield Lane. The Deputy Clerk is responsible for the administration of this Committee.

You can view the terms of reference for this committee here. 

Staffing Committee

The aim of this Committee is to develop strategy and policy in all matters relating to human resources and to take employment related decisions on behalf of the Council where directed.
The Committee provides effective and professional staff management in all matters relating to the employees of the Council helps to ensure that the Council is exercising an adequate duty of care for all of its employees.  

You can view the terms of reference for this committee here.

Welcome to Wetherby

The aim of the Group is to encourage visitors to the town of Wetherby through activities which help towards improving the economic, social, environmental and cultural vitality of Wetherby.

You can view the terms of reference for this committee here. 

Communications Committee

The purpose of this Committee is to provide and review a strategy for the delivery of effective, informative internal and external communications including elected council members, those living, working and visiting the Town, businesses and appropriate outside agencies.

You can view the terms of reference for this committee here. 

Town Hall Management Committee

This Committee has overall responsibility for the management of Wetherby Town Hall in accordance with relevant legislative requirements, regulations and guidelines.

You can view the terms of reference for this committee here.