Welcome to Wetherby Town Council

Sandringham Park Project

Wetherby Town Council owns and maintains most of the parks and open, green space recreational facilities in Wetherby, including Sandringham Park. 

Sandringham Park is a ‘Field in Trust’ green space which means that it is protected so that it will be available for the people of Wetherby forever.

The Town Council is grateful to the Friends of Sandringham Park which is a group of local volunteers who improve the park by undertaking planting, conservation and other projects and help with maintenance like litter picking and weeding. They have been instrumental in helping to care for the park since the group was formed in 2010.

In January 2009 an area of the park was leased to Leeds City Council and a playground was created. That lease ends in early 2024 and it has been agreed that Wetherby Town Council will take back responsibility for the whole site.

With the lease ending and the play equipment coming towards the end of its working life the Town Council has an opportunity to ask residents what they would like for the next phase of Sandringham Park’s development.

It is the Town Council’s mission to enhance Sandringham Park as a safe, peaceful green space which can be enjoyed by all people.


Consultation on Playground Designs

Picture of plan submitted by Eibe

Six companies have submitted proposals and prices for refurbishing the playground in Sandringham Park. 

You can view each design by clicking on the names of the companies below. Once you've had a look at all the designs please complete our online survey to tell us which is your favourite. Please feel free to make comments - we can 'tweak' any of the designs to make sure that they're suitable for our site. 

Eibe - £157,683.33
Innosys - £141,542.50
Kompan - £199,022
Play and Leisure - £134,964.50
Playdale - £121,967.51
Wicksteed - £166,686

Click here to reply to the online questionnaire. 
You can also pop in to the Town Hall where we have an exhibition in the foyer with all the designs displayed. Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm. 


What next?

The project plan and timetable can be viewed here.  It is a live document and regularly updated. 

Preferred Contractor
Once the second consultation has concluded the Council will select a preferred contractor.

This decision will be based upon: 

  • A technical evaluation by officers. 
  • The public consultation. 
  • The Property Committee's preference. 
We will then work with the preferred supplier to refine the design, seek funding and place an order for the works. 

Second Consultation

A second consultation, on the designs received for a refurbished playground, is being carried out from 21st November to 12th December 2023.
Members of the public, local residents and important stakeholders will be consulted on the proposed designs to help the council decide who to select as a preferred contractor. 


The Town Council went out to tender for the refurbishment of the playground from 1st to 27th October 2023. We used the Government's Contract Finder website. 
All the information about the tender process is in this tender document. 

The following prices were received with accompanying designs:
  • Eibe - £157,683.33
  • Innosys - £141,542.50
  • Kompan - £199,022
  • Playdale - £121,967.51
  • Wicksteed - £166,686

First Consultation

The Town Council carried out a first consultation between 15th August and 15th September 2023. This was to establish what local residents and stakeholders wanted for the future of the park. 

Consultation Results (playground only).  These results were used to draw up the tender document for the refurbishment of the playground.